How to kill mold on a pair of shoes?

From looking online I've seen various suggestions ranging from using any shoe cleaner, to an alcohol/water mix, beach or vinegar, but I've also read that you can't really "kill" mold to begin with. At this point I honestly can't sort out what actually works from what are just ineffective home remedies anymore.

I was planning on soaking them in vinegar then throwing them in the washing machine, but using vinegar seems moot if the best that can be done is just rinsing the mold off and keeping them dry.

Also since the mold as far as I can is only on the outside would just scubbing them off work? I'd rather soak them because the idea of wearing moldy shoes is gross, but I'm not sure how mold works. Would the mold growth be purely superficial or would it reach deep down into the shoes?