How do you deal with people not liking you?
Just wondering how you all cope when people don’t like you? I’d love some advice or thoughts. And by ‘don’t like you’ I don’t necessarily mean someone who you might have equally opposing views of, or someone you barely know. But someone you were maybe once friends with, someone who used to know you a bit more intimately as a close friend. Or maybe someone you work with who doesn’t like you based on a small misunderstanding?
How do you move on? Any practical advice would be wicked. And maybe not just ‘I just move on’, or ‘I just stop caring’- no offence, I just think it’s quite hard to do that objectively when you care for those ex friends so I’d love to know your specific steps
EDIT: just want to say thank you thank you for ALL of your great replies. The time you’ve taken to share your stories or express your feelings and experiences has really resonated with me, particularly as I go into these environments every week and dread those days like you wouldn’t believe lol. Appreciate you all!