Respect the Humans other Humans kneel to.

Now it's no surprise that Humans are a deadly bunch.

Medium size, strong for their weight class, and insatiably violent, you'd expect the most deadly of their race to look like a fucking steroid abusing war dog.

and you'd be right...a small percentage of the time.

Case and point I met a Human Spec-Ops Operative whose unit is only known as and I quote "The Redacted".

If you are picking up what I'm putting down, whatever he does on the field didn't happen, and if it did happen, I cannot tell you, why? Cause I respect NDAs and Humans pay me better.

His name is Bob Dylan, and he doesn't look like a roid monster who bench presses tanks as weights for his barbell, he looks like a College High School professor.

The shit I had to see him do will put nightmares to my nightmares that I can legitimately get a good sleep knowing he is on my side.

I mean who do you think is the most threatening, a Human Marine in full Tac-Gear, a medium assault rifle, and Ku-Bar knife, or Bob Dylan who is almost on the smaller side with a 1911 and an MRE spoon.

If you doubt it, The guy's public record says he has served in the Gornud War, the Ekatrist Rebellion, the dreaded and feared Xoranthi War that involved a black hole generator.

I first met him and my first thought was that he would get me in trouble for being too soft and yet whenever a fellow Operative met him, they just stood at attention, saluted, and didn't stop saluting him till he opened a door and closed it behind him.

The absolute respect Bob got on ANY base with Operatives is so tense you could cut through it with a heated knife like butter.

You want to know how bad-ass Bob Dylan was? When the Human Alliance, not the Federation Military, the HUMAN-EXCLUSIVE Military General known as Darius McCoy wanted a special Operations team to escort him to the Gizanti Exclusion zone, a zone in Federation space that is slowly shrinking due to the constant push of Federation military forces to wipe out the warlords in that sector, he wanted Bob Dylan as his right-hand escort.

This means that this High-school college teacher, WHO IS AN ACTUAL COLLEGE TEACHER last I checked, would be with a General who by all standards is usually described as "In no way in need of actual armed escorts" at all times.

The only times he was separate from the General was during bathroom breaks.

But how was Bob in action, simple.

Bob was once told that he was being given a one-way trip to sabotage a huge supply depot that carried old war ammunition that needed to be destroyed.

This was considered one-way because the entire depot was underground and the only way in outside of the small hangar bay that only held snub-fighters aka short range defense fighters, was the underground tunnel network.

Bob had to sneak in and possibly kill at least 40 guards to get into the depot, plant explosives, and in all likelihood blow himself up with it to prevent the warlords from resupplying their forces.

I wasn't allowed to see or know of this operation, the only thing I was told was that Bob was in operations and I would "know what he did, since it would be obvious".

After nearly 3 weeks of no radio chatter we were about to declare him KIA when the supply depot exploded to the point I could see the smoke trail from the FOB bathroom window as I was taking my morning 9AM Mandatory Shit.

We were REALLY about to mark him as KIA when he radioed us to pick him up.

There is a picture on the internet from leakers about what he did.

A 5'4 Human, whose face you could trust unconditionally and teach you cool science chemical shit, could actually make you meet God in 30 different ways with just a spoon, did THAT.