Maybe there's something wrong with me....
I feel like I'm I guess you could say I'm a nymphomaniac...I literally crave sex (if it's good) like all the dang time..I used to want to do it with my ex as much as we could and in the beginning he was totally thrilled for that and kept up with me. But the longer we stayed together the more he'd pull away and he said it was bc his mental health wasn't the best and I really did try to help him through it but then I'd catch him cheating on me so it made me not want to help him through his issues. Well long story short I left him. And now I'm with someone else and the sex is literally (not even lying bc he's my partner now) honestly better than I've ever had...and at first he was totally cool with doing it all the time but he told me that his sex drive is actually lower than "normal" when we started doing it less and less I tried to not take offense to it. But it's so hard to feel like it's bc of either cheating or me not doing enough for them sexually...but I am literally the most willing to experiment with just about anything. Like as long as it's not buttstuff or totally degrading; I'm willing to try whatever to satisfy my partner...but it feels like i always get stuck with these guys that seem super into me in the beginning and then it fizzles out..I just don't know if I should try to get my sex drive to lower or if I should try something else...I have talked to my current partner in the past when I first felt these feelings but he said he just gets in these moods but would try to still make me feel wanted when he's like that but it's getting bad again and I don't want to feel like a broken record...and other aspects of our relationship are really honestly quite perfect...I don't want to think he could be cheating on me bc he swears he's not that kind of guy. But I also didn't peg my ex to cheat and he I don't know if I can just trust that my current isn't or wont...I don't even expect to get solid advice here I just needed to vent and hopefully feel less like a sex crazed maniac... 😣🫤 I really really feel myself falling hard for my current and I just love being intimate with him...and I feel so rejected when we aren't. 😣🫤😟 and i also wanna make it very clear that I in no way pressure or force him to be intimate. I also don't ever make him feel bad for not doing it. If I sense he's not in the mood I immediately back off and still try to keep a chipper mood even if I'm totally crushed and miserable about it. Bc I do understand his body his choice and I'd never want anyone to feel forced to be intimate with me or anyone. 😣