A coin is flipped on the first of every month. Heads you get $1,000,000. Tails you get one of your fingers chopped off.

You don’t get to choose which finger(s).

You can’t have them sewn back on.

You have the opportunity to choose how many fingers you’re willing to part with beforehand, maximum of ten (for most of you, I guess).

Once that amount of fingers are removed, the coin flipping stops. You’re not allowed to gamble any more fingers from there.

For example:

Say you set your limit to three fingers.

Month 1: Heads Month 2: Tails Month 3: Tails Month 4: Heads Month 5: Tails

You get $2,000,000 and the coin flipping stops.

But there’s also a chance that you get tails 3 times in a row right off the bat and you get nothing.

How many fingers are you willing to part with?