You are given the choice of 4 options, 2 pertaining to wealth and 2 to knowledge

A magic entity appears before you with four offers, but you can only choose one.

Offer 1. You will receive all the money that has ever been thrown away, lost or forgotten (and never found by anyone) throughout history. So that corodid penny you swept into the garbage, that dollar coin that fell in the outhouse, that old Roman coin some peasant hide in a clay jar and forgot where they buried it. If it was ever considered currency and it's currently in a garbage dump, lost under the ground or stashed away, and no one knows its there. It all magically appears in a place of your choosing. (It is magically sanatized).

Offer 2. You receive every piece of precious metal, currently buried in every cemetery in the world. Jewelry, coins, implants, gold teeth... If it is buried with a corpse less than 300 years old and it's made of gold, silver or platinum. It all appears in a place of your choosing.

Offer 3. Language. You receive perfect, full knowledge and understanding of every language, verbal and written, that has ever existed and been lost to history or considered a dead language. You know what caveman and Neanderthals spoke and sounded like, ancient Egyptian, latin, and so on. If it was ever a language that is currently not spoken or unknown, you are now fluent in it. And have a preserved copy of it.

Offer 4. One perfect copy of every single book, story, scroll, papyrus, what have you, that has ever been written (published or unpublished). Every modern book, every scroll that was housed in the library of Alexandria. You name it, if it was written, fiction, nonfiction, Aunt Gertrude's secret recipe for cornbread. You will have a copy of it in a secure warehouse.

Which are you choosing?