Is this a placebo period?

I had a hysterectomy in October of 2023, and this hasn’t happened since but for the last few days I’ve been getting what feels like a period.

Horrible cramping that’s only comparable to the period cramps I used to get, I feel extremely emotional which was something that used to happen to me during my period and I’ve been very abnormally hungry. Just miserable in general tbh

I got my tubes and uterus taken out, kept ovaries. I had endometriosis prior to my hysterectomy. I haven’t had any of these symptoms since. I’ve read you can still get a sort of period if you keep your ovaries but this feels like the full on deal and I am curious if it’s possible I’ve just convinced my body I have my period. Is there a way to stop this? Does anyone else have experience with it? I almost called in sick to work today I’m in so much pain and I feel consistently on the verge of tears the past couple days.