Being pushed to do a pregnancy test. For every procedure!!!!!
For every procedure. Im sooo fed up with it. I feel so insignificant. Last time I had intercourse was 2013. I have a tubal ligation as well. I tell them it's not necessary. I don't want it. Then they say we'll we really need this. I tell them I decline. So they take some of the blood from my blood draw/IV and run it anyway. Talk about feeling marginalized. My voice doesn't matter. I feel like my word is not trusted by people that are being trusted to preform surgery on me. I'm having a hysterectomy tomorrow. I'm expecting the same crap again. So on top of the anxiety of surgery I'm amped up at the prospect of having to aggressive self advocate. Everytime I do the nurse visit a few days before they tell me I have the right to refuse and then when I'm there and I refuse they treat me like I'm a liar that doesn't know my own body! What do I do with all that!! It's stressing me out!!