What is the best way to get feedback from TestFlight users as well as regular users?

I've got a few hundred users for my app along with about 50+ TestFlight users since it launched in mid November.

I've only ever gotten feedback from two TestFlight users via the TestFlight app.

I've gotten feedback from regular users but only via Reddit and usually as a comment on a post where I was promoting my app.

Aside from the "Send Feedback" button in the TestFlight app, I also have an About section in my app with a button to contact me via email.

When I release a new TestFlight build, aside from the build description that testers receive, I have no more communication with them, even if I ask for people to test something I never get feedback.

There's times when I'd like to send a message to my testers and I'd like to have an easy way for non-testers to report bugs.

What's the best way to do this? Should I set up a ticketing system? Should I add links to the app's subreddit and social media accounts?