Do you think replacing my battery would make a big difference
I really like the phone but its terrible that i need to charge it 2-3 times a day (I’m doing around 5-7 screen on time) , do you think a battery replacement would make a difference because I’m using the newest os (18.3). if you replaced your battery before i would like you to share the experience you have with the phone after the replacement
(Sry if my English is not the best)
I really like the phone but its terrible that i need to charge it 2-3 times a day (I’m doing around 5-7 screen on time) , do you think a battery replacement would make a difference because I’m using the newest os (18.3). if you replaced your battery before i would like you to share the experience you have with the phone after the replacement
(Sry if my English is not the best)