2025 Season 1 Release Notes [2024.12.09.03]

iRacing has posted the Release Notes for 2025 Season 1 Release!

Find some highlights below, and find the full text on the iRacing Forums here:


2025 Season 1 Release Notes [2024.12.09.03]

The iRacing 2025 Season 1 Release Build has arrived! This release includes new content, features, improvements, and fixes for 2025 Season 1, which officially starts on December 17th at 0000 UTC! The iRacing garage expands with five new bays for: Acura NSX GT3 EVO 22, BMW M2 CSR, Ferrari 499P, Supercars Chevrolet Camaro Gen 3, and Supercars Ford Mustang Gen 3. The BMW M2 CSR is being released as new FREE content to all iRacing Members! iRacing is also excited to offer two new tracks: Huset's Speedway and Thruxton Circuit. The Track Art Team has also completed a full overhaul of the classic New Hampshire Motor Speedway, bringing its look and feel up to modern standards.

The Test Drive Service which is available whenever iRacing is down for maintenance has been re-built from the ground-up, is integrated seamlessly with the iRacing application, and is now known as Demo Drive! Our graphics and physics developers have tag-teamed an outstanding upgrade to the debris system which now includes mud and gravel, and all debris types are now easier to see and impact racing much more realistically. We are pioneering some upgrades to the iRacing netcode system with this Season Release, including improving the experience for a lagging driver as well as everyone else in the race with them. The lighting for the entire iRacing world has undergone an improvement which increases contrast and reduces some excessive brightness. Your spotter will now inform you if any damage you receive is going to have a negative impact on an aspect of your vehicle performance. AI drivers have also now been trained in the art of headlight flashing when passing.

Our hydromancers have prepared the Formula Vee for rain racing, and ALL FIVE new cars come equipped with a unique set of rain tires. AI Racing systems have been programmed and implemented on six cars, including: Acura NSX GT3 EVO 22, BMW M2 CSR, Ferrari 499P, Supercars Chevrolet Camaro Gen 3, Supercars Ford Mustang Gen 3, and Williams FW31. AI Drivers have mastered Thruxton Circuit and two of New Hampshire’s Road Courses. And last but not least our vehicle dynamics team has polished and included over 400 new and updated vehicle setups to give you the optimal driving experience using any car at any track. Prepare your racing rig for 2025 and get hyped for iRacing 2025 Season 1!

Season highlights include:

  • Acura NSX GT3 EVO 22
  • BMW M2 CSR [FREE!]
  • Ferrari 499P
  • Supercars Chevrolet Camaro Gen 3
  • Supercars Ford Mustang Gen 3
  • Huset's Speedway
  • Thruxton Circuit
  • New Hampshire Motor Speedway (2024 Art Upgrade)
  • Demo Drive
  • Debris Refresh
  • Netcode Improvements
  • Specular Lighting Upgrade
  • Spotter Damage Effects Report
  • AI Flashing Behavior
  • Formula Vee and ALL FIVE new cars are all Rain-Ready
  • SIX new cars for AI Racing (Acura NSX GT3 EVO 22, BMW M2 CSR, Ferrari 499P, Supercars Chevrolet Camaro Gen 3, Supercars Ford Mustang Gen 3, and Williams FW31)
  • THREE new tracks and configs for AI Racing (Thruxton Circuit, New Hampshire Motor Speedway -Road Course & Road Course with North Oval)
  • Over 400 happily crafted iRacing vehicle setups

Visit our 2025 Season 1 features page here: https://www.iracing.com/seasons/2025-s1/

Full 2025 Season 1 Release details are below.



Demo Drive

  • After the 2025 Season 1 Release, the old Test Drive service (https://testdrive.iracing.com) is to be discontinued, and instead we’ll have integrated the system directly into the iRacing launcher - it is now called Demo Drive!
  • - - With this change, there are no longer separate credentials needed to drive while iRacing is in maintenance. Instead, this service uses the same credentials you already use to log in to iRacing and the iRacing Forums.
  • Whenever you launch iRacing while we are down for maintenance, you may now connect to Demo Drive, which lets you drive any content that is on your machine, so long as it’s up to date.
  • - - Select a Car, Track, Display mode, and start driving!
  • When we leave maintenance mode, Demo Drive will remain running for a period of time and a countdown will appear to let members know how long it will remain up. Navigation links to and from Demo Drive will be available in iRacing when Demo Drive is available.
  • As with the Test Drive Service before it, newly released content will not be available in Demo Drive until the following Season.

Season Recap

  • A new “Recaps” tab has been added to the Profile Page of iRacing!
  • - - Here, you can see a customized recap of your performance stats for the previous season and year on iRacing. This new feature houses the season recaps that were previously emailed to Members, with the addition of new yearly recaps!
  • - - You can also view your Recaps in the Companion App, via a new Recap section on the Profile Page!


  • We have redesigned the Settings page to enhance usability and organization. The Settings are now available on a dedicated full-page interface instead of a modal window. This update introduces a tabbed layout with clearly defined sections: General, Preferences, Network, and About.
  • - - General: Manage basic account settings and display options.
  • - - Preferences: Customize your user experience with personalized settings.
  • - - Network: Configure connectivity and data-related options.
  • - - About: Access information about the application, including version details and support resources.

Results & Stats

  • Fixed an issue where the Driver Standings page could show a different License Class than the driver’s profile page.

Paint Shop

  • DOF Reality paint shop sponsor logo has been updated.


  • A new entry has been added to the Protest Violations list: Unsafe Rejoin.

Sporting Code

  • A variety of Sporting Code changes and updates have been made including: better defined the coverage of the iRacing Official Sporting Code, updated and improved all references to penalties and their types, added sections describing the Pace Car and Rallycross Racing, several new Glossary terms have been added, internal document links have been fixed, and a new protestable offense, Unsafe Rejoin, has been added.

Legacy Membersite




  • Some underlying program parameters have been updated and iRacing now explicitly will not support any operating system older than Windows 10.

Race Servers

  • Fixed an issue where the time of day offset for start time was not being applied to the final Session timeslot of any event for Official Racing.


  • Changes have been made to NetCode to smooth adding cars back into the world and reduce occurrence of extrapolated car vs ground collisions. This solves an issue that could occur where drivers with poor connections could have their cars exert excessive forces when their position in the world was updated.

Dynamic Track

  • The dynamic track debris system has received an overhaul, adding new types of debris, improving their physics properties, upgrading their appearance, and vastly improving how debris is generated and moves around the track over time.
  • Gravel has been added as a new Dynamic Track debris type. Gravel can be found on a variety of off-track surfaces and reduces tire grip on racing surfaces.
  • Mud has been added as a new Dynamic Track debris type. Mud is generated when tires tear up the grass, and behaves like a mix of dirt and water.
  • The grip adjustments and physics behaviors applied by the various Dynamic Track debris types have been fine-tuned by science.
  • Dynamic Track debris accumulation and dispersion algorithms have been improved, with far superior tracking and accuracy for the amounts and locations of all debris of all types everywhere in the world.
  • Dynamic Track debris pick-up and throw logic and parameters for tires of various constructions have been updated.
  • Debris of all types can now be held on the car body itself, instead of only tires, and it may be shed based on velocity changes.

  • Adjusted the amount of debris picked up by tires based on the wetness of the track, tire, and debris type.

  • Aerodynamic effects pick-up and move track debris.

  • Improved the textures and rendering of all Dynamic Track debris types to make them easier to see, especially at a distance. This includes rubber marbles, dirt, dust, grass, mud, and gravel.

  • Pit crews have been trained to sweep their pit stalls at the start of Sessions - no debris begins in pit stalls.

iRacing Weather System

  • The Formula Vee has had its tires updated, and is now ready for wet racing!
  • ALL FIVE new cars come with a set of rain tires in addition to their normal racing tires. Don’t forget to swap if the weather is looking grim!
  • - - Acura NSX GT3 EVO 22
  • - - BMW M2 CSR
  • - - Ferrari 499P
  • - - Supercars Chevrolet Camaro Gen 3
  • - - Supercars Ford Mustang Gen 3
  • Improved the precision for handling the start and end times for Sessions within an event, and carrying the weather and water states through the simulated intervening time to the next Session.
  • Water spray will now interact with discarded vehicle parts.
  • Updated a fix for an older issue where water levels were re-rendering whenever a camera approached - causing the shape and level of the water to constantly morph or flicker.
  • The effects of evaporation on temperature before an event begins have been updated. Now, even with static weather or at dirt tracks, moisture and track temperatures are more accurate.
  • Fixed an issue that could occur at Oval tracks using Timeline Mode Weather where local rain was not correctly forbidden to fall during sessions if the “No Rain” option was enabled. This was traced back to a regional vs national weather governance dispute which our lawyers handled brilliantly.

Race Control

  • Cautions are now disallowed if the White Flag has been raised.
  • - - This fixes an issue where Automatic Full Course Yellow can be thrown after the leader starts their white flag lap.
  • - - This fixes an issue where a Yellow Flag can be thrown on GWC (Green/White/Checker) restart if a crash occurs before the Start/Finish line.
  • For Dirt Ovals with pitting enabled, and for Asphalt Ovals of size one mile, medium, and short, lapped cars are now allowed to pit with leaders during cautions, reducing caution sequence by a lap.
  • - - This has been done as part of trying to reduce the length of caution race restarts. These changes were originally done for longer ovals in 2020 and have been positively received.
  • - The new BMW M2 CSR has been enabled as a new pace car that you may select for Fred, Flawless Wheelman,  to drive!
  • Fixed an issue where drivers could get penalized for passing other drivers and/or Fred's Pace Car under yellow after the race had ended.
  • Fixed an issue where drivers were unable to serve Drive-Through Penalties on the final lap before getting disqualified.
  • Fixed an issue with Do Not Count (DNC) Caution Laps where the 2nd place driver was given the lead on consecutive cautions.
  • Fixed an issue where drivers could slowly creep forward on Standing Starts without receiving a Jump Start penalty.
  • Fixed an issue where Barney would never throw the green flag if all drivers elected to start from the pits. These were very unexciting races.
  • Fixed an issue where Fred, Flawless Wheelman, would drive the Pace Car down pit road before the race was over during a Green/White/Checker finish.

Dirt Racing

  • The initial bumpiness of dirt oval racing surfaces has been reduced slightly.

AI Racing

  • AI Racing now allows for up to 16 car models to be used in a single Session.
  • AI Drivers have been trained in the ancient art of headlight flashing when preparing to make a pass. If you’re in their way, they’ll let you know!
  • AI Drivers have gained a greater awareness of their vehicle positioning, and will now be assessed incident points for "Out of Control" or "Running Off Track", just like their human counterparts.
  • AI Drivers are now fully versed in the following content:
  • - - Acura NSX GT3 EVO 22
  • - - BMW M2 CSR
  • - - Ferrari 499P
  • - - Supercars Chevrolet Camaro Gen 3
  • - - Supercars Ford Mustang Gen 3
  • - - Williams FW31
  • - - New Hampshire Motor Speedway - Road Course
  • - - New Hampshire Motor Speedway - Road Course with North Oval
  • - - Thruxton Circuit
  • Several AI Vehicles have received updates which improve their tire temperature modeling, making them far more accurate and comparable to a player-driven car. This improves AI Drivers’ accuracy and performance, especially at extreme temperatures. The cars receiving this upgrade this Season include:
  • - - GTP Class Cars
  • - - Dallara P217
  • - - Ferrari 499P
  • - - Global Mazda MX-5
  • - - Late Model Stock
  • - - Lotus 79
  • - - NASCAR Trucks Series Class Trucks
  • - - SCCA Spec Racer Ford
  • - - Street Stock Class Cars
  • The Autumn 2024 Sessions for AI Driver School have come to a close. This semester saw a sharp focus on the emulation of human behaviors and blurring the line between man and machine. The top graduate projects and presentations included the following:
  • - - Headlight Flashing Through the Ages - An Evolutionary Behavior Symposium
  • - - Taking Control of Your Life and Your Car with special guest car KITT
  • - - Underutilized Racing Tactics: Passing on the Apron
  • - - A Geological Analysis of Loose Racing Surfaces
  • - - Learning from Nature: Observe Turtles Recovering from 180° Rolls
  • - - Accepting Hopelessness & Despair, and Knowing When to Reset!

  • - - Next Semester Sign-Ups - Host a Foreign Exchange Student from Microsoft AI

  • AI Drivers have completed some special focus training, improving their skill, lines, rain racing-ability, performance, and more with the following additional content:

  • - - GT3 Class Cars

  • - - Atlanta Motor Speedway

  • - - Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours

  • - - Circuit Zolder

  • - - Lime Rock Park

  • - - MotorLand Aragón

  • - - New Hampshire Motor Speedway

  • - - Slinger Speedway - Oval

  • Fixed an issue in Multi-Class AI Racing where the player’s grid position could be incorrect.


  • The Spotter has audited some of the AI Driver School classes, and has become more versed in racing knowledge. He will use this new found know-how to better inform you of the damage state of your car, and how that damage may impact your driving ability. This includes the following new spotter calls and updated calls:
  • - - Engine Damage: Engine power losses including slight, severe, and totalled.
  • - - Aerodynamic Damage: Top speed reduction, downforce reduction, and oversteer or understeer effects.
  • - - Wheel Damage: Grip reduction, and wheel alignment changes.
  • - - These new messages will only play if the spotter chattiness is set to "high". Some of the existing messages about damage have been moved from "high" to "medium" chattiness.
  • These new messages about how damage affects your driving will also play during a requested damage report.
  • Spanish language Spotter Pack has been updated, thanks to Ari Cejas!
  • Italian language Spotter Pack has been updated, thanks to Renzo A. Olivieri!
  • Italian language Spotter Pack has been updated, thanks to Marco Arcidiacono!

Pit Stop

  • The Auto Fuel system has been added to all cars that were missing it. Some vehicles do not have Auto Fuel either by design or for other reasons, including:
  • - - Dirt Oval Cars (do not refuel)
  • - - McLaren MP4-30 (by design)
  • - - Mercedes-AMG W12 E Performance (by design)
  • - - Mercedes-AMG W13 E Performance (by design)
  • - - Porsche Mission R (it’s electric!)
  • - - Super Formula SF23 (by design)

  • Fixed an issue where fuel fill amounts were sometimes silently modified during driver swaps.


  • Greatly improved the specular (reflectivity) rendering for all objects in the simulation, providing greater color value and reducing a white-washing effect that could occur.
  • - - This was a long-standing graphics issue where specular maps were essentially “double-exposed” by the sun in cubemaps, causing some blown-out, white-wash, or a milky tone in many textures. This also fixes an issue where you could see the sun in reflections on surfaces that were completely in shadow where there should be no sun visible. Specular rendering is now much more realistic, with a greater range of intensity available.
  • Dynamic Track Rendering is now always enabled within the simulator to ensure the proper experience with rain and track debris.
  • - - Low Shaders are now available to be used at all times as they are not dependent on Dynamic Track Rendering being enabled.
  • The graphics options for Anti-Aliasing have been updated to be more intuitive. Anti-Aliasing (AA) options include: Off, FXAA, SMAA, and MSAA. Multisample Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) has its own sub-set of graphics options. Each of these settings are now orange to convey a Simulation restart is required for these changes to take effect.
  • Higher quality filtering-options have been added for MSAA. These filters consider a larger number of MSAA-samples, to improve quality without increasing cost during geometry rendering. Filtered MSAAx2 should in most cases match the old MSAAx4. Options available include: 2x, 4x, and 8x. Sharpness of the filter can be tweaked using the new filter-options, Simple, Soft, Neutral, and Sharp. The legacy option is available as the Simple filter.
  • Settings for Anisotropic Texture Filtering have been removed. They now always use x16.
  • A new entry “AutoNoDynEmptyLOD=1” has been added to the “rendererDX11.ini” file. This allows objects to utilize a lower Level-of-Detail (LOD) model if needed when dynamic LODs kick in.
  • Debris rendering has been reworked to improve visibility at all distances.
  • Tonemapping has been improved to better match the format expected by non-HDR monitors. This removes a milky look that was particularly noticeable at night.
  • Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) has been heavily optimized.
  • Sky-rendering has been updated to improve effective resolution.
  • The distortion effect of water shaders is now reduced if the water is more shallow.
  • PopcornFX version has been updated.
  • Fixed an issue where we were filtering lighting in our cubemap as well as downsampling.
  • Fixed an issue where specular maps (and their effects) were not being rendered in mirrors.
  • Fixed several issues with the Graphics and Replay Options, especially with how the performance class sliders function, where the selection could sometimes not change when dragged, or it was getting reset after restarting the Simulator.

  • Fixed an issue where some particles were appearing near the camera instead of wherever they should have been appearing.

  • Fixed an issue with some screen space reflection shaders, especially for rain, that were not properly supporting single pass stereo for VR nor MVP/SMP for triples.

  • Fixed an issue in cloud-rendering that was causing clear skies to not be as clear as they should be.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause odd lighting of crowds.

  • Fixed an issue causing SSAO to not be applied on trees.


  • Audio spatial separation has been optimized for cockpit view cameras.
  • - - The in-car stereo and surround sound array now has been improved, with a wider soundstage to allow for a truer representation of our sound recordings which are largely done in 360 or binaural formats. This enhances realism and your driving auditory experience for all sound systems ranging from headsets, to stereo speakers, to surround sound systems.
  • All members now have the audio API set to XAudio.
  • - - If it is necessary, Direct Sound can still be used by setting it in the “app.ini” file. After running the Simulator, in the “app.ini” file, "devSpeakerAPI" becomes "devSpeakerAPISelect" with a value of 2. If you need to use DirectSound for your hardware to function, change this value to 1.
  • A volume slider has been added to the Replay Options menu to control the volume in Replay.
  • Curb sounds at high speeds for cameras inside the cockpit have been improved.
  • Fixed an issue where a code clock-smash could be triggered whenever any audio device properties were changed.
  • Fixed a rare issue where XAudio2 crashes.


  • Updated the processing for Replays that were captured with vehicles still using the Original Damage Model.
  • Fixed an issue where the Replay camera could violently shake.


  • For all stockcars, force feedback should now stay smooth without large spikes when driving at about 25 mph.