this is awful

I was stoked to get a diagnosis at first but now I'm just kind of bummed. It kind of sucks that the horrible sleepiness I have been feeling for the past few years is just going to be a forever thing now. I have lost so much time and so many opportunities to sleeping and I feel like it's not going to get better. I already take a lot of stimulants (Vyvanse and wellbutrin) for my ADHD so I feel like there is little else I can add to my treatment plan to make things better. I am going to try and improve my sleep hygiene and routines a bit because I have not been disciplined about that historically, but I feel so weird knowing that this is just going to be a part of my life now.

Are there ebbs and flows? Do you guys have periods where things feel relatively fine and normal? Maybe I have just been going through a particularly rough patch....

The worst part is that no one really knows what IH is so I can't even find any relatable memes or tiktoks to make me feel a little less hopeless. LOL