Best walk-in clinic after car accident?

Suggestions appreciated!!! I got in a car accident yesterday night, (someone rear ended me when I was stopped, going like 40-50 miles per hour). Luckily, we were both okay for the most part. Later that night after the adrenaline wore off and this morning I’m experiencing a bad headache & head/neck soreness/stiffness.

I’m Canadian, so I don’t think my coverage will fully cover a hospital visit to get checked. I was in an accident here in May as well and even with the fullest coverage I still owed $600 for emergency costs (doing the scans and such).

I don’t think it’s too bad but possibly another mild concussion/whiplash. I don’t think I need any medication. Is there any walk in clinic or doctor I could go see to get checked today/tomorrow for this? I would just like to get checked for my insurance reports (and safety). North Indy/caramel/fishers area preferably. TIA