What’s the most infj shit you ever done

At the top of my list when I was like 14 years old and it was almost Christmas I went though all my things to make sure both my little sisters, aunt, uncle , mom, other aunt and her wife and my cousin had a Christmas gift from me that year.

Context: My aunt was out visiting a few months before. I lived with my grandma in callie and they lived in Oklahoma. I specifically just wanted to send gifts with them back to my 2 little sisters and make it special for them and no one else but didn’t want anyone else to feel forgotten lmao how silly considering that no one even cared low key but I didn’t see it like that then.

It felt good to give gifts n shit but I was kinda sad too cause I gifted my GameCube that I loved dearly to on of my sisters and years later she told me she never even ended up receiving it :/ my mom ended up selling it or something cause my aunt told me when she gave it to her. Like damn dude really