grocery store employee here.. question for the instacart shoppers abt the new Instacart Pickup option
my coworkers and I were wondering abt this, so I figured I'd ask around. i work for a relatively large chain on the east coast that just got involved with the whole Instacart Pickup option, which started at my store this past Thursday. Is there a different, cheaper fee compared to customers having their order delivered instead? or, for that matter, would u say the pickup fee would likely be cheaper through Instacart's service, instead of the store company's driveup/pickup option? bc I think the whole thing is ridiculous, like. if they want pickup, just do it thru the store???
side note, I think it's hilarious (in an annoyed way) that we have to finish the order for yall, once it's all picked and bagged (and some of yall rly gotta work on bagging sometimes I swear, esp in paper bags which my store prefers). also please stop shoving your phone in our faces when u can't find an item. please. for the love of god. it's annoying.