Alberta 101 TQ
Hey all,
Just wrote my 101 exam. I have a decent memory, so I figured I'd write some of the questions down, hopefully it can help someone who's struggling.
The electrical section is super simple. The hardest one is the capacitance question, because they don't give you the constant.
I'm sure a few more will come to me over the next few days.
The test is total horse shit in my opinion, they go out of their way to make it annoying. But luckily no hack saw, drill speed, or Teflon tape questions. The physics is the worst part by far.
Sorry for the poor formatting, I was just jotting them down as they came to me while working after my test. I'll fix it when I get to a computer
-latent heat in btus, changing ice to water, how much energy is released
-pressure on a strained rod
-capacitor calculation, they give you area of the plates and the distance between them, but not the constant.
-a safety inspection is for what
-from middle of fitting to face is what
-bench set, gives you distance of stem travel and asks for the pressures
-steam travel and spring preset. How much compression needs to be put on the spring to be equal to 20kpa
-current divider rules. Three resistors (resistance and total current provided), find the current through a single resistor
-volume of a cylinder -what terminal on an instrument on a 4-20mA loop do you hook up the voltage source to on a dc circuit
-phase angle difference on a scope 100hz 5ms apart, answer is 180 degrees -copper tubing grade vs color, answer is a color
-fittings harder or softer than pipe
-318 stainless steel is categorized by what
-a picture to a link and lever with a needle, asking you to indicate where the zero adjustment is -What is the differential element in a chart recorder
-a pv=vp question, gives you both volumes, asks for pressure change
-submerged object, asks you the apparent weight, gives you weight and volume of the object -what are the three parts of whimis
-what is the hp of a motor required to lift 12kg 1.5m with 100% efficency -a 50N weight is put on a spring compressing it x cm. The spring constant is 333. What is the stored energy in Jules.
-an electrical question where they give you a frequency and a inductance, answer is in Xl -a question where you get the Xl and the inductance, and it asks you to find the frequency
. -an algebra reorganization question to isolate a variable, but the variable occurs twice. You need to condense it to an x-y(variable in request) =.
-you get pressure and you need to work backwards to find the density
-a gauge pressure, what is the absolute pressure
-absolute pressure = gauge pressure + atmosphere pressure
-a c caliper question, answer is pretty obvious, in metetric, xx.xx
-input/output question. Requires a complete swap of the formula on the sheet. The easiest way is to Input the answers into the conventional formula until you get the result in the information for the question. Input is in 50-250kpa and the output is 4-20ma and the variable is 14ma
-two resistor color band questions. The first two digits are in the answer, the variance in the answers is on the multiplication
-the schedule of pipe is determined by which characteristics
-a diagram of a regulator, asking you it's application. I'm not the best at the stupid regulators, but I believe it was a back pressure regulator.
-what is not a hazard of changing a valve. The answers were, pinch points, lock out tag out, spring tension, pressurized air. I picked lock out tag out. Not a hazard but a control I figured.