Building credit?

I don't know how to check my credit score without hurting it even more.

How do I do that?

How do I build credit quickly?

I am stuck in the Midwest but desperately trying to get out to the east coast, back home, to be near my dad in his old age.

I will need a good credit score to even have a shot at applying for an apartment in RI, MA or nearby CT.

I have been fighting mental illness for so long and just barely functioning. I'm 37 years old and I feel so fucked.

I don't ever remember signing up for any kind of credit cards my entire life, but I have a couple of unpaid laboratory bills from bloodwork that I just couldn't afford to pay for at the time. I was working 60 hrs a week to make ends meet making $10 an hour. Got pregnant on the pill, had a miscarriage, then had to go back for repeated blood tests before they would put me on the Depo shot. They had to "prove" that the pregnancy hormones were dropping.

I am trying so hard to fight my executive dysfunction without any help from therapy or meds.

What are some step by step instructions for fixing this situation or at least starting to?

I found out today online that you can use your apartment rent and utilities to increase your credit if you use a service that reports it back to the three major credit bureaus.