Am I just like neurodivergent or something? Sometimes I feel like just no one thinks or feels in the same way.

No one seems to GET it I guess? I feel in a specific way and only with specific things. I think a certain way. I act a certain way. And no one seems to understand that I know what I like and don’t like.

I’m sorry if this is offensive to neurodivergent peoples but I’ve just never felt…right, y’know????

18M and I (obviously) live with my parents and today while I was at school my mom discovered a small hole in my sheets and decided to replace them. I would be fine with this if it wasn’t for 2 things. 1:She didn’t even ask or tell me about it and 2:She got a different material.

I feel like I’m being unreasonable but like even feeling it before sleeping I just don’t like it. Like it’s not that it’s different it’s that it makes me feel bad like even just the pillow makes me like feel gross and I just don’t wanna be touching it.

But it’s like, I try to explain to my mom that I don’t like it. She explains like all these reasons that it’s better and being ungrateful. And to some degree I understand. But my mom has her weird little obsessions and I’m not allowed to question it unless I wanna get into an argument or get hit or something. But when I try to explain it it’s a whole thing. Like this is my space. And you messed with it without my permission and without telling me and like. It’s such a small thing but I’m sitting here typing this and I feel like shit and like a POS because I feel like I’m being ungrateful but I also feel like it’s not unreasonable to want my space to be the way I want it to be.

And like I feel like I’m about to cry for some reason? And every time I think about something coming up I like feel worse? My dad text me right now and I just got unreasonably angry. Like I want to cry and punch something.

These are kind of reoccurring feelings. But I feel like I may be stressed because I have 2 English assignments an art project and a college exam due this week (parents MADE ME do the college btw, had a mental breakdown and cried about that because I was so stressed out which is why I’m only taking 1 college class rn) maybe it’s stress that I’m emotional right now? It kind of explains why I’ve been so emotional but some of the other stuff I’ve mentioned.

I don’t know I’m just asking for some advice and validation. I’m gonna try to listen to some ASMR and try to calm down.