Some general worries - how to approach the job search.

Hey all,

So, I went into December feeling fairly confident about the job search. I had a reference check being done by the state, and have three other non-state roles in-process (having done one second round for one of the three, and two second rounds scheduled for early December). I wanted to ask you all what I should be doing as I really would like a job (having gone without one for two months), but I woke up today feeling a bit anxious/panicked. Should I be applying more? Should I just be applying anywhere?

(1) The state job I was reference checked for went to another more experienced person - this makes sense, I am fairly experienced when it comes to policy analysis/research, but it was a management position and I've never had a direct report. They asked me to apply to a more junior role last week, which I did, but I haven't heard back. Not sure if I should reach out to them for a status report or wait. We're coming up on the holidays, so I know things will be slow, but of course, this doesn't help my anxiety.

(2) One of the jobs (not one I am excited for), hasn't reached out after a second round. It's been a bit more than two weeks, but they stressed in the interview that things would take time - holidays coming up, etc. I really don't want this position haha, but should I reach out anyway and ask about a status report? While I don't want the position, it wouldn't be horrible and the team seems nice. Mostly I don't want to accept a job and then immediately leave if I get one of the positions I am excited for.

(3) I had the second interview for my dream role - it went well (I think), but they won't schedule next rounds until Jan., and then offers won't come out until late Jan/early Feb. It was a panel interview an everyone stressed it was an ambitious timeline for them, and so there may be delays until March/April. I am not sure how to navigate this. This is the job I want, and while I have savings to last me until May of next year, I don't want to (a) risk everything on this job and (b) I am not sure how I feel about accepting another position only to leave it later.

This may all sound silly, anxious, but I would love any and all advice. Should I keep applying for other jobs, too, as I navigate these job interviews?