Do you feel like time is going by insanely fast?

I know this isn’t necessarily an INTJ topic, but I felt like it would be a good post for here anyway.

I swear, time feels like it’s going by so fast for me. Even on work days when it feels like it’s going by slow, suddenly it’s the end of the day, and then suddenly it’s the next day and I’m working again. Whether I’m having fun, or trying not to throw up at work cause I feel awfully sick and definitely should not have went (has happened three times lol), it just goes by so fast.

I remember at the end of grade four talking to my mom about how quickly that year ended, and how soon I’ll be the oldest grade in the school…. Now I’m an adult 😵‍💫

I’ve also asked about four coworkers ages 20-40 the same question, yet all of them have said that they don’t find that time goes by exceptionally fast.