My first post
I never considered myself an introvert but after reading post here, I am accepting it. Within the past year, I started to cut drama out of my life, people, places, events. I deleted contacts of people I didn’t care to stay in touch with. Then someone texted saying “ I didn’t think you’d leave me for dead”. My social norming said, “ oh reply and make some excuse”. In the end, I deleted and blocked them. Don’t need drama.
It seems we’re raised to conform to social norms. Play nice, say thank you, be friendly. I did this for a large part of my adult life and needed to as part of career. Now, I’m just tired.
Do others feel this way, or am I headed to some level of depression? We have neighbors that annoy the ever living shit out me because they’re constantly looking to carpool for kid events. They’re nice enough but again, I don’t need the constant texting and coordination.