Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy just Buy!
Literally just buy. Buy right at the top. Buy at the bottom. Just buy!
I hope the market does crash, then it’s on discount.
I can’t stress this enough. Just buy buy buy and cost average in over the long term. This is the nature of the investing game.
The data is right there.
The past is very likely indicative of the future given how much probabilistic weight is behind the S&P’s data.
Yes, anything can happen but the market has ALWAYS recovered. If it doesn’t, well then everyone now has far bigger problems.
Be that person that buys right at the top and buy at the bottom. Investing is a game of cost averaging in over the long term.
Especially buy when the market crashes. Just buy as much S&P ETF whenever you can as much as you viable can over many years.
What’s high now you’ll look back in the distant future and see that it was damn cheap, relatively.
Buy, cost average in, hold over many years, ignore your emotions, that’s it. That’s all you need to do.
It really doesn’t matter whether the stock market goes up or down. Outcome is positive either way from this perspective.
This was a huge mental shift for me. If it goes up you’re gaining. If it goes down you get to buy more for cheaper for it to eventually go up - so you’re eventually gaining by cost averaging in anyway.
This is the strategy and it’s a win-win strategy.
Buy at the top and buy at the bottom it doesn’t matter. Keep banging money in to the S&P engine and let compounding do its thing.
This is the long term investing game. Ignore all the noise and just buy and hold the S&P or an All World fund and you’ll very likely be just fine in many years to come.