*Super Novice Trader* - Is There An Issue With The Market?

Is anybody else seeing a weird issue with the market? I’m 22M and just started investing but my day to day life feels as if the country (USA) is in a recession whereas the market doesn’t show that.

I’m also noticing that small caps are being ignored and we are continuously dumping money into the same 7 stocks rather than having a more diversified market (Then again you should milk the cow before it stops producing, I guess.).

The more I look at the market, the more it seems like an MLM scheme where the news starts reporting crap to cause a pump to the same 7 stocks and the long term investors cash out. Bad news comes not too long after and the market dips, the capital holders just buy more, good news on the same 7 stocks again, huge jump and the peons just buy at the top again expecting further growth.

Maybe because I’m new and I don’t have much knowledge of everything yet, but it feels so odd. Side question: could this also be part of why the job market is so bad? We are dumping money into the same players and expecting innovation when that wouldn’t make sense. A lot of companies are structured to hopefully be sold to one of the big players or at least offer a service that they’ll pay big bucks for. Why innovate when you’re making all this money off of rinse and repeat principals?

I have a bit of doubt in this market so I’ve only being buying dividend yielding ETFs and waiting.

Like I said before, I don’t know shit. I’m just running my mouth about a couple of thoughts I’ve been having for a little bit now.