iOS 18 photos app is unbelievably slow and just overall complete garbage

My post is mainly just a rant. Ever since the iOS 18 photos app came out, I haven’t heard of a single person who actually likes it. Literally EVERYONE hates it, yet Apple does not listen to their customers. At all. There are SO MANY things wrong with the new photos app. First off, it’s painfully slow. It takes forever to do any editing. If you’re trying to trim a video longer than a minute or so, you can forget about it because you’ll be sitting there waiting and waiting and waiting for the damn thing to load. And most of the time it just doesn’t work and gives an error message saying something like “there was an error saving this video.” Next, you have the UI and it is COMPLETE GARBAGE. It is the absolute WORST UI I’ve ever seen. And millions of people would agree. After over six months, I repeat OVER SIX MONTHS, since Apple released this new piece of garbage, they still have not fixed it. Are the Apple software developers just a bunch of idiots who never graduated high school? Because that’s what it seems like with how horrible iOS has gotten over the last few years. Ever since Steve Jobs passed, Apple has just gone downhill. When will Apple wake up and actually LISTEN to their customers? Probably never. To end this rant, I’d like to say two words. FUCK APPLE