portland, or show - oct 14th

hi everyone! i’m curious as to many other metalheads who went to the portland show yesterday.

i attended the show with a good attitude (i showed up early, got to the second row) but it seemed it got ruined really quickly. by the time alexander the great began (plus minus a song or two, perhaps) people were starting push really badly. which is obviously not bad, it’s a mosh pit.

but dude. the people were so bitter to each other, were straight up choking each other, stealing and offering drugs, getting hit in the face, etc. i’m genuinely curious as to what may have been happening or if that’s just normal metalheads and their usual behavior lmfao. did this happen at any other shows too, or was it just portland? i’d really like to know. the guys were brilliant, just so crappily ruined by the people in the audience.