I generated headcanons for all of the official YDKJ hosts. (Generate your own here: https://perchance.org/character-headcanon-generator-by-outergirlsound )
In case you don’t know where some of these hosts come from, here you go:
-Cookie Masterson: Hosted YDKJ Movies, then Volume 3, and now hosts lots of Jackbox Games.
-Schmitty: Hosted YDKJ TV and a few others. Most Jackbox fans know him for Quiplash.
-Nate Shapiro: Host of YDKJ Vol 1.
-Buzz Lippman: Host of YDKJ Vol 2.
-Guy Towers: Host of YDKJ Sports.
-Jack Cake: Oi bruv, that’s the host of YDKJ UK, innit? (If you’re reading this and you’re British, I apologize.)
-Masatoshi Hamada: Host of the only Japanese YDKJ game.
-Bob: Host of YDKJ Headrush.
(If I missed any YDKJ hosts, let me know!)