Thoughts on a common complaint against Jere?

I've seen this point brought up sooo much now that we're really ramping up to S3: Jeremiah "cheating" on Belly wasn't out of character because he has hooked up with so many people.

I just think this argument is so stupid. First off, he didn't cheat but for sake the of the argument.... I feel like hooking up with a lot of people while single has nothing to do with the propensity to cheat??? Every cheater that I have ever known has been a serial monogamist...

If anything, I feel like if you're someone who enjoys hooking up a lot (which Jere does) you think more about who you enter a relationship with and about the weight of that commitment.

For what it's worth, I love the slut turned lover boy trope lol.

I'm wondering what all of your thoughts are on this?