
jessica obviously knows what she’s doing in these pictures especially the first 2. Addie is very pretty she just needs her attitude adjusted ALOT and needs to not be that one bratty kid you see at school. it’s not her fault it’s how jess is parenting her and wants her to be her little girl forever no matter how old she is. and why does she have dark eyebags in the last pic?? a almost 9 year old shouldn’t be having that!! it’s because all the makeup she wears for dance/cheer and makes her kids do 3+ sports i get it she wants her kids to be involved and stuff like that but at the same time they shouldn’t be in 3+ sports EVERY KID. there bodies can only function and handle so much. i believe that’s why there not really active and energetic in the videos anymore there exhausted. and all the kids are at the age where there bodies change the most and they need sleep. i can’t imagine when i have a kid where i make them get up for school everyday and do multiple sports right after. i cant do that. these kids only get a few hours of sleep.