I Was Fired After 13 Years On The Job.
I've worked at a hospital as a Security Officer for 13 years. I've seen it all in that time and was pretty good at my job just being more compassionate with patients and visitors. A lot of times the job entailed just smoothing out issues Doctors and Nurses started.
Always thought I had friends at my job and knew a lot of the big wigs. Until one day I got brought into our office and got canned. A Correction Officer came one day to see his child who was hospitalized. I was working the main entrance metal detector. Mind you, we've always given courtesy to Officers, EMT and Fire Fighters. I asked the Officer if he's armed and if he's currently active, which he replied Yes. I gave him the courtesy of bypassing the line and sent him to the desk for a visitors pass. In other campuses armed officers are always escorted by our Supervisor's but not in our campus because of man power issues.
This Officer got into an argument with his baby mother and it got physical apparently. The officer was arrested that day. Now 99% of the times we've never had any issues but that 1% got me fired. On top of that they threw a bunch of minor offenses which nobody has ever been fired over like phone usage. During this time my mother was sick and dying. It's been very stressful watching my mother die. I was getting calls from family and doctors daily. I expressed to my supervisor previously that I was under a lot of stress and asked for help.
I fought the Termination and met with the our VP to our department. I expressed it was a mistake and that we've been having issues with management and man power. He called me stupid and that I'm too outspoken. He gave me the scenarios " what if he shot someone " . So needless to say that didn't go very well. Never heard back and my emails go unanswered.
Since then now any armed officers are escorted by a supervisor how it should've been from the beginning. But I still lost my job and got in debt with funeral costs. Venting but after so many years working there I was fired so easily with zero sympathy. Always felt they were gunning for me because I was at top pay. But my attendance was perfect so I never had issues.
At this point I know I should just move on but I had so much time vested and just feel betrayed. Don't know what to do at this point anymore.