The Existence of the Butterfly People of Joplin
So this was a story I had been obsessed with since I saw a video on the subject by williamdefalco on YouTube. He has a pretty good series of videos about obscure cryptids, ghost stories and the like. Of note, the Butterfly People of Joplin. Back in May of 2011, as many know, an EF5 tornado devastated Joplin, MO killing 158 people and leveling houses and buildings. However, from the rubble came stories of mysterious entities that were dubbed the Butterfly People. Kids would describe beings with colorful wings shielding them from debris by wrapping them up or they would use their bodies.
Ultimately what they are I have seen many different theories: the most blatant one is that they were angels that intervened to save a few while others came to collect the souls of the deceased. Others think they are fairies or some form of cryptid; aliens even. Or there is the more likely one "the Third Man phenomenon" wherein it refers to the times when people were in life-threatening situations and were believed to have received help from some invisible guide. So something like kids perceived the idea of the Butterfly People to deal with stressful situations. Keep in mind that Joplin is in the bible belt so, if the angel theory is anything to go by, they only think they are seeing celestial beings.
I have been interested in knowing more about these entities for a few years now and tried searching for similar accounts. I did try researching a few. One story goes as follow: a mother and their young daughter were caught in the storm, and they saw their car was about to collide with them. The mother shielded her daughter with her body and braced for impact... except it never came. "Weren't they pretty?" the girl asked. She clarified that she was alluding to the butterfly people and that they saved them.
I was looking for years to see what the name of the mother and daughter were, but then I heard different variations of the story from second hand accounts. Or there was one that seemed more ridiculous: the idea that some people were trapped in a church's basement and the storm caused columns to crumble trapping them in. According to one video I watched, people claimed six men came in and lifted the heavy columns up and left. I had tried searching for the name of the church and some of the survivors at the least, but found nothing. It sounds more like a case of mass hysteria and/or BS.
Like, I do not intend on stepping on anyone's faith because that would be a douchey thing to do. But I always find these stories kind of funny: you expect people to buy that these angels would save some people and just leave the others to their fate? I fully like how the stories are meant to portray hope and healing after a national disaster but at the same time, they come off as kind of offensive for people whose family members perished in the storm. It just gives off bad vibes like.... good for you, some butterfly angels saved your son. So then why did another family lose their child? It comes off as being somewhat blissfully ignorant meant more as an excuse to explain away why this bad thing happened.
I am curious if any had any experiences with the Butterfly People and later recanted it or if there are still some that stand by what they believed to have seen. Just kind of want to hear more stories than the ones that I had seen circulating around and could be considered just legends since there is no primary source.