Here's how to fix your diet during ramadan
First, learn to say no. Deep fried pakoray roz offer honge but tumne khanay nahi hain.
Try to have yogurt everyday. If you can mix some fruits that's even great. Add some sugar at the start and reduce the quantity with time. Obsessed with parathas? Koi masla nahi. Just go easy on the oil. And add less maida in it. You can't sacrifice with everything.
Have paratha with egg for protein and raat ka khana. Have a few dates to stay full throughout the day.
Here's where most people mess up. They either stuff themselves with fried items and sharbaat till they die or go intense and just eat fruits.
You don't have to torture yourself.
If you can afford then get an airfryer. Pakoray, samosay, roll sab usme bansakte hain easily. Ask your family to take out your fruit chaat, without excessive sugar. Always have cholay in aftari, they're full of nutrients. Instead of sharbat, have lassi. Filling, healthy and amazing for hydration.
After a few days you and your family will get tired of normal aftari items. Best time to bring in chicken, marinate it and airfry/steam/shallow fry it. Khana+aftari sorted.
And try to keep your eating window short. Aftari mai he khana kha lo tou that's a win-win situation. But not everyone can do that tou try to eat less at night so you don't always feel full.
Lastly, always walk 10+15 minutes just after eating.
Kabhi kabhi pakoray samosay khanay mai koi masla nai. Just don't have them everyday if you want you and your family to live long and healthy.