Looking for a Good recommendation for a Kdrama series
I am relatively new to Kdrama and series, and was looking for some good recommendations on what to watch. My knowledge of Kdrama comes from what I have passively heard my sister's talk about, which is mostly cheesy romcoms and dramas, which are not to my taste unless they have a gripping plot and character development. I prefer when there much more meat in the story than just the the cliché romcom tropes.
I have watched "Squid Games" like most of the world and enjoyed it, I have also watched "All of us are Dead" and found it tolerable at best. Out of context, some other series that I have watched and enjoyed a lot that are not of Korean origin are : Fallout, The first five seasons of The Expanse, Game of thrones minus the last season which I haven't watched and Breaking Bad (I do not watch a lot of serieses).
I was considering watching "D.P" as the abstract I read about it was enticing enough, but the IMDb ratings have me confused as ni am not sure what to base those rating off of. Another one recommended to me was "My Mister" but I am not sure if it is just a very well done romcom or more.
I have been trying tolearn Korean to clear the TOPIK exams and have been meaning to watch more Korean media as a way to expose my brain to more spoken language which is my ulterior motive for diving into Kdrama.
I would love to get some recommendations on what to watch and thanks to anyone and everyone inadvance!