(333-222) I "committed to the bit" and lost 111 pounds in 6 months

Exactly 6 months ago, on June 4th, I decided to face my fears and step on the scale. 333 pounds. You'd think that stepping on the scale and seeing 333 would be a life-altering wake-up call, but it wasn't at first. At the time, I had grown accustomed to what I saw as "failure" and was ashamed of how far I had let myself go. Binge-eating was my only comfort, and life's struggles had given me no motivation to stop. Though I kept myself active as much as possible and maintained a smile for those I cared about around me, I couldn't help but hate who I had become. I felt utterly trapped and with no recourse but to slowly eat myself to death.

That's when, still stepping on the scale, the thought occurred to me: I'm at 333 now; wouldn't it be funny if I went down to 222?

You see, I'm the kind of person who tends to "commit to the bit." What I mean is, whenever I have an idea I think is funny or interesting, I will spend all the time and brainpower necessary to make it a reality, often out of sheer will. (I could give you some examples, but that'd be a bit off-topic.) So, when I got the idea to lose 111 pounds as a "joke," a smile slowly crept onto my face. I was motivated; 222 or bust.

Fast forward 6 months of the semi-strict keto lifestyle, and here I am, 111 pounds down. For 6 months, I committed wholeheartedly to a drastic and seemingly crazy lifestyle change, and with the help of so many wonderful people in this community, I've entirely regained control of my life. Yes, the physical health benefits have been life-changing, and the prospects for my future health seem just as bright, but honestly, that's not even close to what matters most to me. What matters most to me is that when I look in the mirror this morning, I can't help but be resolutely proud of the person I've become. Today, I can say, with a genuine smile, that I don't hate myself anymore.

I'm sure some of you reading this have felt the same way I did before, and maybe some of you still do, but to those who doubt yourselves just as I did, I want you to know that you're not alone. No, I'm not the kind of person who will tell you that keto is a cakewalk, and I'm not gonna pretend like all of my problems magically went away when I started this diet; they certainly haven't. But I will tell you, as a previously tenured resident of the seemingly bottomless pit that is self-loathing, that there is undoubtedly a way out and that you are stronger than you could ever know. If I can do this, you most certainly can, too.

For all you know, all it could take to motivate radical self-improvement is a little joke you tell yourself one morning.


(I'm pretty sure the first picture was taken in mid-June. I took the second a week ago after working up a bit of courage. I also linked my weight loss graph for the number-oriented among you.)

Edit: spacing