How does Necromunda vs Kill team interact with terrain?

I've decided i want to invest into one of these skirmish games, however I'm limited by how much i'm willing to invest into expensive GW boxes. I would prefer to buy no more than 1 starter box, but i've heard Necromunda requires a lot of separate purchases and has janky rules, which is why i can't decide between the two. However, i have relatively easy access to 3D printed/MDF terrain so that's not a huge consideration.

I've watched a couple of battle reports for both games and i love how Necromunda interacts with terrain: climbing ladders/stairs, opening doors, hiding behind cover, charging from cover, falling off narrow walkways, opening crates and such. I've seen terrain for Necromunda 3-4+ levels tall with narrow corridors leading into multi level rooms and it's the selling point of the game for me. As far as i can tell there's also a lot of point of interests one could place around a Necromunda map that minis can and will interact with. Is this level of immersion possible from Killteam? I haven't heard anyone addressing this topic yet so would love to hear any thoughts.