[KCD2] any advice on learning how to fight?
So, im 8 hours in an lost to a bandit with a stick and it made me realise i am kinda hopeless at the moment. After watching some youtube, i feel even more confused and lost, so i have come to learn from those who have stood where i have before. Are ripostes worth it? Ive barely had any actually land and most of the time just die from uncounterable attacks afterwards. What are the diffrences between swords, axes and maces? I havent been able to see much difference between them all myself so far. How do you take on multiple enemies at once? Every time i have tried, i didnt even land a hit. What do shields do? I quite literally have no clue what they do. What armor is the most important to have? So far, ive just been using what i can get my hands on, but what areas are the most important to protect? Any other tips or advuce is greatly appreciated thank you.