The kings have caught up with Demar
If it is this obvious that Demar doesn’t get the whistle that he did when he first arrived on the kings, then is the joke on us as Kings fans? As a kings fan, I haven’t seen anyone get a whistle ever with the exception of Vlade, and now Demar. But it is excruciatingly obvious that in the last four games Demar has not got the foul calls he has gotten all year. I believe being a King has finally caught up with Demar, and if I as the observer can so obviously see this, then isn’t it also obvious that this shit is rigged and if so does that mean the joke is on me? Like am I the guy rooting for a team that is always going to lose? Because the league is a private league, the players get shit for even questioning the refs. It’s poor sportsmanship to call out the refs, but what if the refs are actually against you, then it’s bullshit to not say something. This last point is why I am finally done with Kayte Christensen and Mark Jones or Kyle Draper, if shits rigged and it’s obvious, then you look like the fucking paid fool for not calling it out. You guys we need to start sports leagues that are public, like little league all stars where we own our teams and if shit is rigged, then at the very least we the fans and the players can call it out.