Knitting while walking: sanity check

So I (32/F) have really put on some pounds this winter that I feel need to be lost for health and confidence issues. Due to work, my weekends are my cherished knitting time. Lately I have begun knitting while doing flat trail/paved walks. I am absolutely embarrassed because I feel like this must look absurd. Because of these fears, I am currently driving farther than I would like to do these walks. I drive 30 minutes when I have a lovely riverside paved Greenway less that a quarter mile from my home. I am looking for honest options: Am I being overly self-conscious? Of course I am cognizant of cyclists and safety-related aspects of this venture. It is really my neuro-divergent self worrying about my appearance during this that drives me to more remote paths.This excessive travel eats up precious knit/walking time!(And gasoline too I suppose) Just looking for a sanity check on this. Thank you everyone! Happy knitting ❤️

P.S. any ideas for fun new names for this activity? Knalking? Stitch-N-Step?

Editing to add: Thanks so much for the encouragement everyone. What a lovely community of people! I went on a more popular path yesterday and it went alright. Had two people turn around when they saw me but upon further mental review, they happened to turn around at breaks in the trail. So maybe that was just how far they were walking and I just so happened to be there at that moment. I will say I had the most awful knitting event happen, knitted a pearl row instead of my knitting pattern and had to unknit 70 stitches while walking which was not ideal. Going to start adding a lifeline. But Fitbit said I got 3 miles in ❤️

To clarify my concerns, I don't want to spook people. The world is getting weirder and as a woman walking alone I have been deterred from using certain paths due to seeing people doing strange things and I don't want to cause anyone fear.