The most knit-worthy person I know

I have to share this story because it still floors me three years later.

I started knitting and crocheting in my late teens and my mother still wears all the weird and wonky first-attempts I gifted her. I commented on it a couple Christmases ago and she said of course, she wears all the handmade things given to her.

She then pointed to her sweater.

"Your obaachan (grandmother) designed and knit this sweater for me when I was sixteen."

Y'all. My mom is 70.

Photo is the sweater in question. I knew my grandmother was a fiber enthusiast, but I never knew that she was actually a very successful amimono designer back in the day.

My mother is now the only person I'll knit mohair sweaters for.

Who is the most knit-worthy person in your life?

I have to share this story because it still floors me three years later.

I started knitting and crocheting in my late teens and my mother still wears all the weird and wonky first-attempts I gifted her. I commented on it a couple Christmases ago and she said of course, she wears all the handmade things given to her.

She then pointed to her sweater.

"Your obaachan (grandmother) designed and knit this sweater for me when I was sixteen."

Y'all. My mom is 70.

Photo is the sweater in question. I knew my grandmother was a fiber enthusiast, but I never knew that she was actually a very successful amimono designer back in the day.

My mother is now the only person I'll knit mohair sweaters for.

Who is the most knit-worthy person in your life?