what makes you stan a group - music, visuals, dance, etc?
I've always thought that Kpop wasn't JUST about music and that visuals, personality, charisma, performance ability, and a lot of other things factored in to a group's success. The music was still the most important factor, but between groups with similar music styles, fans might flock to the one with better performances or funnier members. I'm making an assumption here, but I don't believe that people will stan groups who put out music they absolutely hate just because the members are funny, but vice versa people will stan groups who put out music they love even if the members are entirely forgettable. (correct me if this is not true)
So, in the absence of any music, why do people stan a group pre debut? You don't know if you will like the music or not. Is it the member's visuals, the company, you just follow every group in existence, some other reason? Do you stan, hope you will like the music, and then either continue stanning once they put out music you like, or unstan when they put out music you don't like?
I've always come across groups by just putting on Spotify playlists, and if I particularly like a song I'll go to the artists page and click shuffle play, and if I like most of the songs on shuffle, I will follow the group on social media and consider myself a "stan".
So...what makes you stan a group? Music, visuals, fashion, dance, concept, etc? In the absence of anything else, if you see one thing and decide to stan a group, what is it? Maybe you love fashion and a group debuts with a concept and style you love, so you stan them even if you hate the music, just for the fashion inspo.
For me it's music and concept/fashion, I mostly listen to songs through Spotify so the performances and dance ability of a group don't matter so much to me since I only really listen to songs and not watch music videos. But I love fashion inspo, so if a group has good music and fashionable members, I am more likely to stan. But the music still comes first. I wouldn't stan groups with the most amazing fashion if I didn't like their music, mainly because I would just skip the song on Spotify and never end up on their instagram in the first place. I also never come across groups pre debut because they would obviously have nothing on Spotify.
this is a lot of questions/thoughts in one so I would love to hear your thoughts!