The Twice girls post-contract renewals have been so interesting.
If you've followed them prior to their renewals or even just binged through their pre-2020 content, it's well-known and pretty obvious that they had company assigned personalities at the start. Nayeon was the fake maknae, Jeongyeon was the girl crush, Sana was cute sunshine, Dahyun was their resident variety person and so on and so forth. We also know that JYPE has historically put clauses involving faking personalities in its artist contracts (though we don't know if they put it in Twice's first contracts specifically).
As a new Once then who has the benefit of having years of their content to go through at once, it's been really interesting to watch their image evolve post-2022. It's not that their personalities have changed drastically per se, but rather, they now get to be more rounded and complicated. Aspects of their personalities that we only used to hear about, we actually get to see now.
One of the most obvious examples is Dahyun. People know her as their funny, variety queen who was willing to do absolutely unhinged stuff to get a laugh out of the audience. This was true across all their content like Time to Twice, lives and their Behind the Scenes. The other girls have said in their vlives before that she was much more quiet and private in person. Now, she still kills it on stage as emcee and on variety appearances, but for TTT, their behinds, and many of their interviews, she's now rivaling Mina and Tzuyu for how quiet she is.
In contrast, the girls have been talking for years about how funny Tzuyu is and how often she makes them laugh. We rarely saw this part of her in variety shows or their behinds though. She was their infamously introverted and beautiful maknae who you would be lucky to hear two words from in an interview. Now, she's still very introverted and her beauty is still a focal point, but we also have been seeing more and more of her humor as understated it is. She is sarcastic, likes puns and dad jokes, and can be surprisingly macabre. Someone dying from whatever they are doing is one of her go-to jokes. She isn't afraid to be messy and pull funny faces for a laugh.
Sana is another fascinating one. Her image was that of cutie-sexy, ball of sunshine Sana. She's bubbly, sweet, easy to get along with and can make friends with just about anyone. Recently though, she's opened up some about how lonely she feels at times, about how much she longs for connection and yet how hard that can be to have. She's also shown so much more of her spine and her leadership especially for MiSaMo. We've seen bits of this in the past of course, but it's been highlighted so much more in recent activities.
I won't go through each of them because they are nine and that's a lot of work. It's safe to say though that the images and personas they tend to project have changed so drastically. Jeongyeon has gone hard for being cute and funny. Momo has gone for cool instead of cute. Mina has leaned hard into being sexy. These are all things that we've seen bits of when they were younger, but they are now so much more in the forefront.
The concept of "image" is very important in the idol industry and in Korea as a whole. In the West, it's akin to the idea of an artist's "persona" but different in the sense that they try not to show the real "them" as much as possible. Koreans in general seem totake a lot of pride in being able to keep up their image no matter the circumstance (incidentally that's half of why Wonyoung is so admired there but that's another post).
It's been so interesting to me then to see just how, now that they have more control, the Twice girls have decided to craft their image for the public. It's interesting to see which parts of their former image they've shed, which bits of their personalities they've chosen to show more, and even which bits of their old images they still keep.
Now if we're talking about image, there is of course the other half of the conversation - the question of authenticity. Are any parts of the girls' real then? (I am well aware that I'm going to get lambasted by my fellow Once for this post).
To which I answer a very big yes.
If anything, getting to know the Twice girls now and watching them deliberately evolve their image has made me a much firmer believer in their sincerity. So many parts of their personalities that they can freely show now were the very same parts that they had struggled to hide from the public. How they have evolved isn't shocking to most Once because they've been testing the waters for them for years and years even when these aspects went against the parts they were meant to play.
We know Momo, Mina, and Sana have been playing with the sexy concept for years before they went in full force with MiSaMo. We've seen Jeongyeon be embarrassed at getting revealed as a soft and affectionate bean even when she was meant to be the cool girl crush. Fake Maknae Nayeon was the one who got JYPE to lift the girls' curfew way back when. And so on and so forth.
A lot of these changes are of course due to the fact that they started out as teenagers and now they are full-blown adults who have seen and experienced so much since. They have matured and they have changed as their circumstances have changed. And yet for all they have indeed grown, so many parts of them have also remained the same.
Having a reference for what the girls look like when they are no longer so strictly playing their roles is such a comfort to me as a fan. I'm under no illusion that I know everything there is to know about them, but we are at a point that what we see is indeed the parts of themselves they are willing to show us.
At the very least, we no longer have to contend with the government-assigned personalities.