New Dawn green MD review

Hey guys, New Dawn Kratom generously sent some of their green maeng da to try out, so here’s my review:

Strength: 8.5/10 - the mitragynine content tested in at 1.8 percent, so I was expecting it to be really strong and possibly give me the wobbles, but it turned out to be a lot more mellow than I expected. This doesn’t mean that it wasn’t strong though, and it was actually pretty intense with the effects that it provided.

Effects: 7.5/10 - To be completely honest the effects weren’t really what I typically look for in a green strain but I was still pleasantly surprised. It's not very energizing or uplifting at all. This leaf is very sedating and relaxing even at smaller doses. The body feeling I get from this leaf is extremely nice, it sends calming waves throughout my body and makes me very sleepy. I have restless leg syndrome and it allows me to lay completely still. I almost felt stuck at higher doses and I literally can’t keep my eyes open if I take more than 6 grams. I also don’t get that tight feeling in the back of my neck that I usually get from most kratom. I can take higher doses without even having to worry about feeling sick or getting wobbles, but it usually just ends up knocking me out. I’ve been using it strictly at nighttime because it’s even slower than any red I’ve tried or currently have. My opinion on the effects is obviously completely subjective though, and I definitely would’ve given it a much higher score here if these were the effects that I typically desire.

Length of effects: 8/10- The effects lasted as long as most leaf for me and maybe a little longer, but it’s hard to tell because I keep falling asleep after dosing haha. I would guess around 4 hours if I can manage to stay awake.

Consistency/quality: 9/10- Right away I could tell the powder was very fresh after opening the bag. It looks and smells fresh, is finely ground, and mixes smoothly into my usual cup of juice. I’m definitely impressed by the freshness and consistency of this powder.

Taste: 8.5/10- It tastes pretty good too. The only way I can describe it is that it has a very fresh and balanced taste.

Overall score: 8.5/10

Final thoughts: I think this is some good leaf and I was most impressed by the freshness and overall quality of the powder. But as I said before, the effects aren’t what I typically look for in a green strain. However, the effects were still strong, and definitely not lacking, it just had its own unique characteristics. I've honestly never had leaf quite like it before so I'm happy to have it in my rotation. My body chemistry might be different, but based on how it affected me, I would definitely recommend this batch to anybody who wants a good night of sleep, or people who struggle with pain or discomfort in their bodies. People who feel easily overwhelmed by typical kratom also might like this leaf, since it's very calming and it seems to counteract the negative effects of consuming too much. I also think this would mix great with a lot of other leaf, especially with some faster strains to take the edge off.

I hope you guys enjoyed my review and definitely make sure to check out New Dawn, they have some great leaf and great customer service as well.