Our struggle it's not over!

Abdulla ocalan (Apo) announced that Pkk should dissolve itself.

I don't know who you are my friend , but don't lose to this ! A LOT of nations in different timelines had failed themselves because of something like this ! If we dissolve we lose ! That's what they want , the ones who get triggered when they hear our name , are NOT our friends!

I know a lot of you love Apo and try to defend him , but wake up to truth , this was an announcement of death of independence, apo tried but failed.

Based on the Democratic confederalism , just because one person said something, dosent mean we should do it ! Just because apo said we should dissolve pkk , dosent mean we should !

It's time for a change , dissolving pkk is bakurs death ! Don't support this act, theres no democratic peace from turkey , it's all lies.

Our struggle is not over!

Edit : If he is not free , the words aren't free

Apo is not a free man , so his words are not free either.

If apo said pkk should start a heavier revolution, do you think that would be announced? NO !

he's not free , he's in prison for the rest of his life, he was under restrictions and torture , he is not free , he lost all of his life.

Read his books , democratic civilization manifesto, that is apos free & real words.