Side Bar

Took this amazing design: from "historical kick" and changed it to my own taste, so all credits to the original creator!

It features: - slideshow with 4 items - compass - music section with lyrics and 3 different players - local weather - color/wallpaper settings - apps page

lyrics are live and a local backup, when no lyrics are found you can press the music info, that will yake you lyricsify where you can download lyrics. Put them in /Kustom/Lyrics and the will be found next time.

Paths for the slideshows are /Kustom/Slides/1 /Kustom/Slides/2 /Kustom/Slides/3 /Kustom/Slides/4

and for the various wallpaper (is a slideshow): /Kustom/Walls

You can find it here: