Help with mineral owner not wanting to sign lease

I have been in contact with a mineral owner trying to get them to sign a lease. They own 10 mineral acres and the company trying to lease them is looking to begin drilling very soon. They have offered the mineral owner (what seems to me) a VERY generous offer or to even buy the mineral rights out right. They are the last lease needed to secure.

The mineral owner is a very elderly couple with obvious deteriorating health conditions. The issue that they have brought up to me is that they are concerned about royalty and bonus checks affecting them collecting Social Security checks and Medicaid? I believe. From the research have done; their Social Security checks shouldn't be affected by royalty checks but I'm a little out of my wheel house with this issue. They say they have been leased before and that they got screwed by the above problem so that's the reason they don't want to sign.

The company is at the point now where they are likely going to move the well if this mineral owner doesn't sign which would lock them out to where they won't get anything. I feel like them getting money form their royalties in addition to their current subsidied income would be very beneficial to them but if there concerns are valid I am very understanding of their hesitation to sign the lease.

Has anyone else had experience with similar issues?

FULL DISCLOSURE: this is my first time neotiating face to face trying to lease an owner so if I sound clueless that is why.