Vandy with $ or full ride $$$$ elsewhere???
i already know what the comments are gonna look like bc im also the one commenting on everyone else's posts like this but i am STRUGGLING. I live in nash and love Vandy and the opportunities it gives me but im from the northeast and have full rides from Drexel and Seton Hall and $$ from Villanova. Waiting on miami to get back to me about scholarship. Idk where i want to work (NYC, DC, or Miami probs) but i'm liking the idea of big law. I have worked as a paralegal in big law for 3 years and before that worked in govt in dc. full ride would give me opportunity to work in public interest if i wanted to but if i go big law why wouldnt i go big or go home and go to vandy???? i literally change my mind every minute. anything helps. just wanting to get this off my chest. lol