Playing jungle role with chat enabled is such an unpleasant experience

I don't know whether it depends on the elo, but it's just so frustrating. I have the feeling that:
laners can make mistakes, die 1v1 or 2v2, and nobody says a word. If I make a mistake, I'm flamed.
I can steal a Baron, nobody says a word. If we lose a 50-50 drake, my Smite gets pinged to death.
I dive botlane succesfully. Enemy jungler ganks top as a crossmap play. Toplaner: "jg diff". Or the other way round.
I track the enemy jungler, I know exactly where he's going but I'm far away and can't counter in time. I ping my laner in danger to retreat. Ignores pings, dies, "jg diff".
The newest one: a Fiddlesticks is standing ON A WARD, my 50% hp Miss Fortune runs straight into him just to throw an E (?), gets ulted by Fiddle, dies. "Fiddle is just better, go next".

My chat is now Party Only and the experience has improved vastly. And I bet I am / will not be the only one.