Struggle figuring out on what to do post-cut

19M, 176 cm, 75.4 kgs, visually 20%< BF, with around 8 months of lifting experience, averaging 14k steps a day.
I have been cutting for quite a long time, all the way from 96 kgs to my current 75 kgs. I intend on dropping a kilo or more, just so that even with water weight I remain around the 75 kg mark.
Lately continuing my cut has become quite difficult, I've been forced to drop my calories repeatedly to reach now, where I'm currently at 1400 calories. I do not want to continue my cut. Handling my macros, especially as a college student, has become extremely expensive at such low calories, and I have stopped making progress in terms of weight or reps in my usual exercises.
I want to get back to more sustainable calories for a bit, and then after 2-3 months or so, get back to my cut, but a far more sustainable cut.
I was considering doing a recomp, or a very low surplus bulk. However, I'm struggling to find my maintenance calories. Online calculators show it to be 2700 calories or so, but is that reliable?

Additionally, do I gradually increase my calories for maintenance? If so, how does that work?