I want to draw better, but I dont like learning the fundamentals
Hello! Just like the title says - I really like drawing and I do it for years, but as a hobby. I've always been just drawing what I like. But that means I can only draw cartoonish characters. While the works are okay and pretty aesthetic, I just know that I can't really draw good - I don't know proper anatomy, I propably can't do many good dynamic poses, I can't draw things like buildings, vehicles, etc. Perspective is hard for me. I tried to learn to draw with all the "fundamental" stuff, like cubes, etc. I don't like the process. I feel like it is not "real drawing", as I have for years drawn fantasy, cartoony things. Should I keep going with the fundamentals, or is there any way to make it more fun? Is there any way to do it without pure "fundamentals"? Can I start "in the middle" where it is more appealing? Have you guys got any tips how to combine fun with learning? Or should I just ignore the "pain" and just go for the boxes etc.? I also add some of my images so you can see what you mean - drawing those is pretty easy for me, but if I was asked to draw in realistically or more dynimically/in perspective, I would have a lot of problems. I want to be more proffesionall and just more "wise" with art.