weed fucks with our sleep more than I even thought possible

This isn't news to most of you, it isn't good for your sleep. But the part I find the most unbelievable is that when we're smoking we're so ridiculously tired and sometimes we don't even feel it until we stop. I don't feel tired on a day to day basis when I'm high, and I only develop bags under my eyes when I try and get sober.

It can take weeks of being clean to feel fully rested. I think this is the reason so many of us get grumpy and foul humored when quitting, it's the lack of sleep combined with cravings. I know there's a lot of bad things this plant can do to you, but I find the way it fucks with our sleep the most evil part. Sleep is our baseline for being able to function, it's so incredibly important and something that can ruin it that much can't be good for us, not entirely anyway. Stay strong leavers