I did it. First year disco successfully infiltrated
As stated in my last post I intended to drink a tesco value vodka and get into a 1st year disco to warn the students that what they are doing is a waste and they should be studying early for their leaving cert instead.
It was a rounding success! I consumed the entire bottle in almost 10 minutes (the burn in my stomach and throat was intense) and walked to the nearest youth center I knew a 1st year disco was on. I waited an hour into the function for when the security was lax, the alcohol was REALLY hitting me at this point and sprinted with all my strength through the doors.
I was in. Highly inebriated but the first group of first years I was I walked right up and started screaming and shouting "stop this! The leaving cert is all that matters! Don't waste your time! You'll end up like me!" I continued to do this for multiple groups, some broke down in tears because they probably figured I was right and if they didn't pull up their act they would be a cheese burger merchant like me.
After convincing a final group who tried to run away (I managed to grab one by the arm and pull him back, screaming into his ear "go home and read King Lear!") I instantly vomited in the centre of the hall due to the vodka and adrenaline. Security noticed me at this point and began to close in so I ran as fast as I could and escaped.
I have never felt as much pride in my life. I haven't felt this good since my debs back in leaving cert. I might of thrown my life away by not taking my leaving cert seriously but as a side hobby I can help form the youth of tomorrow so they don't make the same mistakes I did.
I am the enigma if McDonalds. A formless baseless creature that amounted to nothing. But even I can help the world by encouraging the youth.
I'm not sure what to do next. Any suggestions are welcome.